Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Okayama Ramen Festival

I went to the Okayama Ramen Festival with my son.
About 30 shops of ramen in Okayama City entried this festival.

Because it was the last day and nearly of end of time, many shops of ramen were almost sold out !

We had only one bowl of ramen.
It's good!!! but so expensive!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Lunch Time

My son is 4 years old , and he goes to the kindergarten since this April.
In april, he went back home before noon, but In May, lunch time in
kindergarten has started !

I don't have good memory about lunch time in my school days,
because I took long time to finish lunch.

Now my son seems to enjoy his lunch time in the kindergarten.
I hope to continue his good lunch time.